Leading lights advancing novel ideas and new approaches that improve health for humanity
Shruti Kothari
Director, Industry Initiatives
Blue Shield of California
Shruti has worked as a health educator, community mobilizer, quality improvement leader, startup operator, in venture capital, and as a conduit between systems and the innovation ecosystem. Currently, she leads Industry Initiatives for Blue Shield of California, where she scales healthcare transformation through industry alignment and policy movement.
Shruti is also the Founder of Women of Community, committed to increasing representation of Women of Color in healthcare leadership. She’s the Co-Founder of Crown Society, supporting the young caregiver community. Shruti is on Family Caregiver Alliance’s board, and is an Advisor for the Asian Pacific Fund, End Well Foundation, and Reverence.
Q: What motivates you to continue working towards change each day?
A: Advancing approaches that address health inequities and injustices. Creating meaningful experiences for patients, families, providers. Making the world a better place for those I love, and inspiring others to be authentic and powerful changemakers.
Q: What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of from 2023?
A: (1) Systems transformation on data sharing + primary care, levers for advancing health equity. (2) Advanced data sharing policies to provide responsive care to people with care barriers. (3) Payment + primary care transformation for 200+ providers with 50K members.